Error reporting
type user_error =
| UnknownPragma of string |
| IncompatibleFlag of string * string |
| MissingFlag of string * string |
| PragmaNotSet of string * string |
| LexerError of string |
| ParserError of Loc.t |
| UnboundRecursionName of Names.TypeVariableName.t |
| RedefinedRecursionName of Names.TypeVariableName.t * Loc.t * Loc.t |
| Uncategorised of string |
| InvalidCommandLineParam of string |
| UnboundRole of Names.RoleName.t |
| ReflexiveMessage of Names.RoleName.t * Loc.t * Loc.t |
| UnableToMerge of string |
| RedefinedProtocol of Names.ProtocolName.t * Loc.t * Loc.t |
| UnboundProtocol of Names.ProtocolName.t |
| ArityMismatch of Names.ProtocolName.t * int * int |
| InconsistentNestedChoice of Names.RoleName.t * Names.RoleName.t |
| RoleMismatch of Names.RoleName.t * Names.RoleName.t |
| DuplicateLabel of Names.LabelName.t |
| DuplicateRoleArgs of Names.ProtocolName.t |
| DuplicateRoleParams of Names.ProtocolName.t |
| ChoiceCallRoleMismatch of Names.ProtocolName.t |
| DuplicatePayloadField of Names.LabelName.t * Names.VariableName.t |
| FileSysErr of string |
| ProtocolNotFound of Names.ProtocolName.t |
| IllFormedPayloadType of string |
| TypeError of string * string |
| UnknownVariableValue of Names.RoleName.t * Names.VariableName.t |
| UnsatisfiableRefinement |
| StuckRefinement |
| UnguardedTypeVariable of Names.TypeVariableName.t |
A user error is an error found in the protocols
val sexp_of_user_error : user_error -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
exception UserError of user_error
UserError is a user error and should be reported back so it can be fixed
val show_user_error : user_error -> string
A Violation is reported when an impossible state was reached. It has to be considered a bug even when the fix is to change the Violation to a user error
An Unimplemented is reported when certain features are not implemented, the string attached provides a description of the feature missing.
val uerr : user_error -> 'a
Raise an user error